Sunday, November 14, 2010

PAiA Documentation

I thought that it may be helpful to list where to find documentation for the 2720 and 4700 synthesizer. I'm going to link to the pages that the manuals/schematics are stored on and not the direct download.

2720-1 VCA (schematic only)
2720-2a VCO
(schematic only)
2720-3B Band Pass Filter (schematic only)
2720-3L Low Pass Filter (schematic only)
2720-4 Function Generator (schematic only)
2720-5 Control Oscillator / Noise Source
2720-6 controller Vinyl Strip/S&H
2720-7 Power Supply
2720-8 Keyboard manual (13.6 MB)
2720-8 Illustrations Supplement (5.7 MB)
2720-9 Glide manual (5.9 MB)
2720-11 Envelope Follower
2720-11 Envelope Follower (schematic only)
2720-12 Inverter/Buffer
2720-12 Inv. Buffer (schematic only)
2720-14 Sine Converter/PWM (schematic only)

For documentation regarding building the 2720 modules read: Building the 2720 series modular.

Using the PAiA 2720 Synthesizer

4710 Balanced Modulator/VCA
4711 Mixer

4712 Reverb
4720A Voltage Controlled Oscillator
4730 Multi-Modal Filter
4740 Envelope Generator
4750 Control Oscillator/Noise (see PAiA 2720-5)
4761 Road Case
4762 /4782 Road Keyboard
4770 Watt/Power Block
4771 Regulated Power Supply
4780 Sequencer
4783 Joystick
4786 Velocity Touch Controller

Using the 4700S

8781 Quad Addressable Sample and Hold (QUASH)
8785 Linear Digital to Analog Converter

If anybody has links to the scans of the manuals that I don't have please provide a link and I'll post them here.


  1. Any chance you could provide some tips on Calibrating/scaling the 4700 VCO modules? I've been trying to follow the procedure, and I can't get anything in tune beyond the center octave. :( Thanks.

  2. Sure, give me a bit of time to do it but I'll try to put together some info on calibrating the 4720. The range on those VCOs isn't great, and they're not particularly stable, but I can get more than one octave out of them. As you probably know, those VCOs are hz/volt and not volt/octave.

  3. Thank you for posting. I just got a PAIA 2700 that needed a bit of attention and your site was a great help. Cheers.

  4. Thanks so much. After recently finding an old 2700 & 4700 ... this post really came in handy.
